Decisions, Decisions
We all have to make them. Small, big or life changing—the size doesn’t really matter. Decisions are hard to make.
When confronted with making financial, relational, career… you name it; it all boils down to one thing, we rather not deal with having to make decisions.
For the person agonizing over a difficult situation, simple everyday decisions can be a monumental undertaking. The decision to do and to be is often the most difficult part of their daily living.
Their perspective is blurred by lack of confidence and inability to see beyond that which presents itself as a problem. They become stuck in an emotional and mental rut.
Feeling nothing will get better, hopelessness sets in giving way to confusion and despair. A powerful combination, together they set up camp overtaking the mind and emotions -- resulting in irrational thinking that leads to devastating conclusions.
It is true... decisions are difficult to make. Especially when the decision to be made will have an impact on the way we do life. Oh, and guess what? Not making it doesn't make it better. Because believe it or not, not making the decision can have just a big of an impact, if not greater, on your life and perhaps the lives of the people around you.
Think about it… Does life stop because you're unable, for whatever reason, to make a decision? Does the problem go away? When you put off making a decision you're essentially saying that you are not going to deal with the issue you know you have to confront sooner or later.
So, what kind of decisions am I talking about here? Definitely not whether to make coffee in the morning or not. The decisions I’m referring to are the ones that require full consciousness. Because when you are fully conscious of your decision-making process, will you feel empowered and confident to make them.
Did you know that you have the power to decide to live a better life? And unless you do, you may never reach the heights and depth of all you were created to be! You may never succeed at what only YOU were created to do.
It all starts with a decision. Decide today to go on the greatest journey of your life. That fear will not stop you from experiencing it and receiving it because… YOU are destined for greatness, love, prosperity, happiness and success. The breakthrough to your destiny is within you.
Aaaah, it gets better. There are actually ways to ease the difficulty of decision making. I will teach you a decision-making formula on part 2 of Decisions, Decisions. Stay tuned.
hi. i really like your posts. they are so inspiring. thanks.
thanks for your kind words.
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