Have You Stopped Dreaming?
This post is very personal. I am going to share with you an intimate experience I feel can help release you into your destiny of greatness.
I'm so fired up this morning! Life is good! Life is beautiful!
There's nothing better than to see your hopes and dreams unravel right before your eyes. Even if the total formation has not taken place -- the faith and excitement of seeing it come to fruition is enough to make you want to shout!
What am I so excited about you ask? Well, little by little I am seeing old dreams take shape. They are beginning to form just like an embryo would. It's taken more than nine months, but it's only because it's mama had to undergo some development of her own :)
I have been gifted as a builder. So creating from scratch, collaborating for growth and excelling, are not new concepts for me. Yeah, I've been a part of some pretty amazing projects. But the funny thing is that over the years, I had forgotten and neglected my own dreams. Has this ever happened to you? You know... getting busy with other people's projects and dreams that you end up forgetting or forsaking your own?
I was there up until almost five years ago. It took my soul to enter "the dark night" for my dreams, desires and passion, to emerge on the other side fresh and alive. I cannot describe to you how hard and painful it's been. But the rewards are amazing and that is what I'm concentrating on. I'm still in shock at seeing the rebirth of what I thought was dead. The struggle is not over, but the hardest part is!
I can make this a very long post but I'm going to ended right here. Let me ask you, are you working on realizing your dreams? Or, have you forgotten them? What are you doing to allow wealth and prosperity to enter your life?
Without dreams what do we have to live for. . .
Hi there,
Thanks for this blog, I found learning about the Law of Attraction to be very interesting with a very motivational audio clip. I would highly recommend others to take this step in manifesting their dreams into reality also.
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