Tuesday, December 18, 2007

"Exhibe tu Exito en el 2008" (Showcase Your Success in 2008)

Boy, it sure took a while. I finally uploaded the "Exhibe tu Exito en el 2008" seminar pictures. Here's one of me with the participants - I'm the one in the center.

What are you up to these days?? I'm gearing up for 2008. I'll be sharing with you on that later. I'm also gathering information for a new project I need your help with.

I'll tell you more in a few days.

Much love always... Sandra

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Was it a Culture Shock??

I just got back on Tuesday night from a mini vacation/work week in beautiful Puerto Rico. I shared in fun activities with a friend and was also able to spend some time with family.

The work event was a seminar I presented to young entrepreneurs in the beauty industry. The theme was "Exhibe tu Exito en el 2008". Translated, showcase your success in 2008.

And yes, in case you're wondering, the presentation was in Spanish... that's another story :)
It was an awesome experience. It was the first training I've conducted in Spanish in the last 5 years.

I took away some great lessons I want to share with you. They have to do with the importance of knowing the cultural makeup and/or idiosyncrasies of your audience/client.

Even though I hadn't been in front of a culturally different audience in a very long time, I quickly realized I had to adjust my "representational systems" in order to gain acceptance and rapport. I'll tell you more about representational systems and rapport in a different post.

It wasn't difficult but I have to say it was challenging. The person who contracted me had me wait and hour and a half for late arrivals who turned out to be "no shows".
This is a big professional no, no. This is especially unacceptable when conducting a seminar about success!

I was able to address the issue and how not starting on time impacted the process and the people who were on time. However, I was not able to cover all the material as planned.

All in all, the end result was good. It was a small group and their verbal feedback was positive. I guided them through the "5 Steps of Success and Mastery Outcome" process in preparation for next year. One thing's for sure... the people in attendance were ready and eager to work on their success plans for 2008!

They were all beautiful and I'm so very glad to have met them. I will post a group picture with some of their testimonies later.

So what's the moral of the story? Although it was a rewarding experience, there are several things I would do differently next time when working with a "culturally different" group:

  • Communicate the work/partnership expectations ahead of time.
  • i.e. Duration of training, set-up of room including temperature, and have confirmation of participants.
In addition, I recommend the following in case you ever find yourself in a similar situation. These can apply at work, business, family, community, etc.:
  • Know who your audience is.
  • Adjust your representational systems accordingly.
  • Be flexible.
  • Enjoy the experience.
Hasta la proxima!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Decisions, Decisions

We all have to make them. Small, big or life changing—the size doesn’t really matter. Decisions are hard to make.

When confronted with making financial, relational, career… you name it; it all boils down to one thing, we rather not deal with having to make decisions.

For the person agonizing over a difficult situation, simple everyday decisions can be a monumental undertaking. The decision to do and to be is often the most difficult part of their daily living.

Their perspective is blurred by lack of confidence and inability to see beyond that which presents itself as a problem. They become stuck in an emotional and mental rut.

Feeling nothing will get better, hopelessness sets in giving way to confusion and despair. A powerful combination, together they set up camp overtaking the mind and emotions -- resulting in irrational thinking that leads to devastating conclusions.

It is true... decisions are difficult to make. Especially when the decision to be made will have an impact on the way we do life. Oh, and guess what? Not making it doesn't make it better. Because believe it or not, not making the decision can have just a big of an impact, if not greater, on your life and perhaps the lives of the people around you.

Think about it… Does life stop because you're unable, for whatever reason, to make a decision? Does the problem go away? When you put off making a decision you're essentially saying that you are not going to deal with the issue you know you have to confront sooner or later.

So, what kind of decisions am I talking about here? Definitely not whether to make coffee in the morning or not. The decisions I’m referring to are the ones that require full consciousness. Because when you are fully conscious of your decision-making process, will you feel empowered and confident to make them.

Did you know that you have the power to decide to live a better life? And unless you do, you may never reach the heights and depth of all you were created to be! You may never succeed at what only YOU were created to do.

It all starts with a decision. Decide today to go on the greatest journey of your life. That fear will not stop you from experiencing it and receiving it because… YOU are destined for greatness, love, prosperity, happiness and success. The breakthrough to your destiny is within you.

Aaaah, it gets better. There are actually ways to ease the difficulty of decision making. I will teach you a decision-making formula on part 2 of Decisions, Decisions. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I've Been Thinking About You

I haven't had much time to post lately. It's been a busy summer. But fall is coming along with slower days. I'm really looking forward to them.

I have some thoughts I will be sharing with you soon.

I will be posting about the process of decision-making, how to deal with adversity, coaching students for academic success and much more.

Oh, and soon I will be announcing my new upcoming *FREE* teleseminar series...

Stay tuned.

Love and success,


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Let Us Never Forget

I will never forget what I was doing and where I was the day we lost so many... The day the landscape of our country changed forever.
My heart and prayer goes out to all those who lost loved ones on 9/11.

Monday, August 6, 2007

26 Days Left...

Summer is well underway... I don't know about you but summer for me is always the time to lay back and relax. It is the season for contemplation, to re-charge and dream.

Summer is also the perfect time to plan ahead. Because let's face it -- even though the year officially starts in January, life really begins in September... Don't you think? It is the start of the hustle and bustle of children going back to school. And our return to what was left undone on our desk before we went on vacation.

Summer is also the perfect time for...
- Planning ahead
- To put in motion the actions that will turn your dreams a reality.

But let me ask you...
- Do you know where to start?
- What is going to take to make your dreams a reality?
- What kind of thinking?
- Planning?
- Actions?

You know I've said it before... The start of something great can be the most difficult. This is one of the main reasons I created the "Breakthrough." .

The "Breakthrough" offers an amazing opportunity for each participant to address the questions above. To think forward and to finally formulate the RIGHT kind of planning to make it all happen!

It will be a day and a half exclusively for you. You will be surrounded with like-minded people that share your desire to make their personal, career, spiritual, financial, and business dreams a reality.

Do you know what happens when 2 or more like-minded people get together?

- There's amazing energy
- The faith to do and to be is ignited
- We become an unstopable force!

Believe me... this will be a rare opportunity. And one you cannot miss!

But remember, the early bird catches the worm. Don't miss on the great savings and Bonus offers. There's very little time left. The SAVINGS and BONUS offers will end soon and space is limited.

The first step to make it happen starts TODAY!

**** Click here for the Special Bonus Offers:
"Breakthrough to Your Destiny." .

I hope to see you there.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Life's Like A Spinning Class (Part Two)

A couple of months ago I posted this two part article "Life's Like a Spinning Class." I edited and submitted part two for syndication this week, and well, the feedback poured in. So I decided to re-post the edited version for those of you who missed it.


I never thought a Spinning class could teach me so much. Here I was, finally on the bike and on my way to… A total meltdown??

What drama! -- starring yours truly. I was having a terrible mental conversation. And all because:

- I was afraid of feeling vulnerable
- Afraid of failure
- Afraid of not having the stamina to go the whole hour
- Afraid of feeling ridiculous
- Afraid I would have to quit
- Afraid of injury
- Afraid discouragement would keep me from going back… afraid, afraid, afraid!!

Fear... It is the root of all evil!

We see the same thing happening in our business, career, with relationships, personal and family matters. Fear is the number one reason why we get stuck. Why we limit ourselves. And it is why we don’t attract wealth and prosperity. Why we don't soar!

We fear the unknown. The funny thing is that the road ahead can only be revealed as we travel it. It will only remain a mystery when we choose not to go on it.

We only overcome challenges when we face them. As hard as adversity is, it does develop character and inner strength. It also develops and grows the faith needed to go beyond our point of resistance.

Success happens when we do... and persevere... even while experiencing the fear. Quitting, is never an option!

I was bruised and soar after the class. I limped, literally for four days afterwards. But guess what? I bragged about it to my friends for days! And, I took away a very valuable lesson:

- I can do anything I put my “right mind” to
- I can prepare myself better by having the right gear, posture and attitude
- Planning is not necessary sometimes, I just have to do!
- It is okay to feel vulnerable
- Ask for help even when feeling vulnerable
- Never listen to the skeptics
- I will experience a breakthrough if I believe and stick to it long enough
- Keeping my mental conversations in check is crucial to my success
- Let myself go so I can enjoy the moment

The journey is always better when we enjoy what we're doing. When we are bold about our decisions. When we try new things. Happiness, prosperity and wealth will come naturally as part of the process.

Life can definitely be like a spinning class… or not!

As Lance Armstrong said... “Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.”

Change is always painful. Taking a risk on a new career, job, city, or relationship may be scary. But it's all worth it if it means being able to live the kind of life you dream about; Feeling passionate about what you do; Smiling when you wake up in the morning knowing you're existence has purpose!

So what are you doing to spin your way to success? Are you making life happen or are you letting it happen to you? Challenge yourself today. You're meant to live a life of greatness!

Have you checked out my upcoming workshop? It's going to be an intense, fun weekend. We're going to have a great time. I hope to see you there - Click here for the details.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Your Time Is Now... Breakthrough to Your Destiny

During the past several weeks I've been working on my upcoming workshop, "Breakthrough to Your Destiny." .

I am very excited about this project. And am so blessed to have terrific clients and friends supporting me by helping me get the word out about this great event!

The Breakthrough to Your Destiny workshop is scheduled for the 12-13 of October in Boston, Massachusetts. Click here for the details.

It is an intensive two day experiential workshop that takes place over eight hours. Designed specifically for individuals who want to reach their full potential -- personally, spiritually, professionally and in business -- It offers a one of a kind opportunity to discover and embrace an entirely new way of thinking of and relating to life, yourself, others, money and prosperity.

The workshop is ideal for You!

Because you refuse to accept the “hand” that life dealt you... You are dedicated to personal growth... You're hungry for a better quality of life... Are passionate and are on your way to wealth and prosperity!

Plan to attend the "Breakthrough."

I hope to see you there :)

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Ronny's Life Change

Recently, I received an email from Ronny in Uganda. In it he says, “Thanks for being a good person, you have changed my life.” Now, you can imagine my surprise when I read his email. I’ve never met Ronny.

Intrigued as to how I could’ve changed this man’s life, I emailed him back asking what I’d done. He replied, “Thanks for writing back to me, the Seven Prosperity steps are so incredible and the articles you often put on your site propels me to do more. God bless.”

It seems Ronny picked up a copy of my Report . “The 7 Secret Principles of the Wealthy and Prosperous” as well as been reading my posts here.

Wow! I thought. This is exactly the kind of impact I want my work to make in people’s lives. If just one person is “propelled” to make the decisions and changes needed for a life of wealth, prosperity and success… than I’m OK with that – No, I’m better than OK… I’m thrilled!

That’s what it’s all about. Operating at your full potential requires work. And I mean, it is, HARD work. It often starts when your level of awareness is raised. But interesting enough, once that happens, life begins to unravel right before your eyes. As I’ve mentioned in the Report . and to my clients, the status quo will no longer be good enough. And you will become very uncomfortable with your present state.

But you don’t have to worry. If you take one step at a time, I assure you the rewards will be amazing. I dare to say, even more than you can ever expect.

To Ronny I say, you’re on your way to wealth and prosperity!
Thank you for your kind words. I expect to hear great things about you.

Blessings in all you do!

Monday, June 11, 2007

It Gets Harder Before It Gets Better

I received a call from a client yesterday. She was feeling discouraged. The pressures of every-day, compounded by overdue bills were getting her down.

With the cost of living skyrocketing, a slow economy, tax burdens and income increase stagnation, it is no wonder many Americans are feeling stressed and pressured.

Together with the socio-economic factors, are a bunch of external issues that also want a "piece of us." Enemies of peace, harmony and good health, are constantly competing to tear down the mind and heart of millions. Consequently, we witness daily the loss of hope, faith, joy and health.

Indeed, the socio-economic landscape may seem bleak. But I tell you one thing, do not allow the enemy of your mind -- doubt, fear, resentment, worry, anger, frustration, etc.-- to tear you down! Your state of mind and gladness of heart does not have to depend on political decisions and Wall Street.

It does depend on your clarity of vision and ability to grow and strengthen your faith so you can persevere when the tough times come. Lift your eyes to the sky on a cloudy day. Just like you know the dark clouds will disappear, so will the hard times. That is faith! Believing with strong assurance that darkness will give way to a brighter day :)

Take heart, be encouraged.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The 7 Secrets to Wealth and Prosperity

What would you think if I told you that there is no such thing as a secret to wealth and prosperity? What there is, is a global misconception about how to obtain it. And the misconception is generally due to lack of information, discipline and the tools necessary to position you for it.

Anything in life we perceive as impossible or mysterious becomes unattainable. We struggle and compete to get it. When in reality all we need to do is learn the effective strategies and disciplines to help acquire anything we desire.

You too can supercharge your life and earning power by simply learning about and implementing the following seven principles of the wealthy and prosperous:

1. Know what you want and have a clear vision of it.
Knowing what you want is the definitive ingredient of the secret recipe for creation and attraction of wealth and prosperity.

2. Have initiative and be resourceful.
Wealth and prosperity come to those who do not wait for others to tell them what to do. It is important to look for, find, and create opportunities for yourself.

3. Have courage.
Courage is what defines purpose and personal belief in what you have to offer the world. It is the ingredient that will undoubtedly propel you to your great destiny.

4. Have a strong sense of self.
Self-Awareness is the single most important attribute a person can possess. Without a clear sense of self there wouldn’t be growth and creation of wealth.

5. Set goals and attach action steps to each one.
Wealth and prosperity will not knock on your door unless you seek them and prepare for them. The wealthy and prosperous implement organization and time management systems to guide them and help them stay focused.

6. Have a positive mental attitude.
Wealth and prosperity cannot be achieved without a positive mental attitude. Observe a wealthy and prosperous person and you will notice right away they are very attractive; they are happy, have a great posture, and are good listeners.

7. Have and grow faith.
You have to believe in yourself, what you have been gifted with and what you intend to do with it.

There are many principles and disciplines that can lead you to wealth and prosperity. However, I find that the above are the most essential. They can also be considered categories in which all the others fall under.

Learn about them. Implement them in your life and watch your life soar to unexpected heights!

For the full report on "The 7 Secret Principles of the Wealthy and Prosperous", including implementation strategies, visit:
The Make Money All The Time Network .

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Money Making Ideas

Great affirmation today from money clubs.com... I want to make sure I share it with you.

"I am receptive to ideas for new avenues of income. "

I seek opportunities to provide more value and to receive more value into my life. I see opportunities for abundance everywhere.

Check out this amazing Money Making idea.

Be blessed today :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Fail Proof Your Home Based Business

A sure way to attract wealth and prosperity into your life is by establishing a home-based business. New entrepreneurs join daily the ranks of the millions already operating a successful home business. I own two wonderful home-based businesses. They provide me the freedom, independence and space I need to be and do!

But operating one for the first time can be a daunting experience. You can lose your precious time and money if not careful. When researching a business, make sure you search your heart and use your smarts. It is important to define what it is you want and are willing to work for.

It is true that you can make a lot of money working from home when and if you put your mind to it. You can do it if you’re a retired Baby Boomer, a stay-at-home mom, a college student, or a professional with a career looking to make extra money.

However, beware of get rich quick schemes—they never last. Also be aware that many fail for neglecting to do their homework. This is mostly due to lack or poor planning, discipline, commitment, development and implementation of systems, having a clear vision, lasting enthusiasm and persistence. They basically want to make a lot of money without having to work for it.

Remember that a business, any business, requires commitment and dedication. It also requires continued development and marketing for it to succeed. Use this checklist in your search for the home business of your dreams:

- One with a solid compensation plan
- That it fits your lifestyle
- That it can demonstrate market and leadership stability
- That it comes with a turnkey system and top notch training
- That it is a fresh idea
- That it will fulfill your need to make the money and have the lifestyle you desire.

I stumbled upon the best business opportunity of our time. Knowing that it was the right fit for me, I used the checklist above to fail proof it. Of course, don't limit yourself to the above list. Keep in mind that there will be many important factors to consider. Most importantly, make sure you have support, a mentor or trainer and the right resources for success!

I'm really excited about my new business and want to share it with you. You can find out more about it by visiting: www.MakeMoneyAllTheTime.com

Blessings in all you do!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Have You Stopped Dreaming?

This post is very personal. I am going to share with you an intimate experience I feel can help release you into your destiny of greatness.

I'm so fired up this morning! Life is good! Life is beautiful!

There's nothing better than to see your hopes and dreams unravel right before your eyes. Even if the total formation has not taken place -- the faith and excitement of seeing it come to fruition is enough to make you want to shout!

What am I so excited about you ask? Well, little by little I am seeing old dreams take shape. They are beginning to form just like an embryo would. It's taken more than nine months, but it's only because it's mama had to undergo some development of her own :)

I have been gifted as a builder. So creating from scratch, collaborating for growth and excelling, are not new concepts for me. Yeah, I've been a part of some pretty amazing projects. But the funny thing is that over the years, I had forgotten and neglected my own dreams. Has this ever happened to you? You know... getting busy with other people's projects and dreams that you end up forgetting or forsaking your own?

I was there up until almost five years ago. It took my soul to enter "the dark night" for my dreams, desires and passion, to emerge on the other side fresh and alive. I cannot describe to you how hard and painful it's been. But the rewards are amazing and that is what I'm concentrating on. I'm still in shock at seeing the rebirth of what I thought was dead. The struggle is not over, but the hardest part is!

I can make this a very long post but I'm going to ended right here. Let me ask you, are you working on realizing your dreams? Or, have you forgotten them? What are you doing to allow wealth and prosperity to enter your life?

Monday, May 7, 2007

The Life of The Rich and The Famous

Have you ever wondered how the rich and famous get to where they are? Is it luck? A force of nature? Special DNA?

We sometimes think there's a secret we are not entitled to...

We wonder how they live, what they do on a daily basis, and what they did before reaching wealth and prosperity. What is it about these people? Can we ever get there? Do we even have a chance?

Yes!... You'd be surprise to learn that you have what it takes to get there as well. You have the power to create wealth. And if you don't think you can, you can learn.
My soon to be released report, "The 7 Secret Principles of the Wealthy and Prosperous" will teach you how to supercharge your life and earning power. Stay tuned to hear more about the release of the report.
Blessings in all you do!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Preparing to Launch

I've been working very hard the past few weeks on the launching of the marketing plan for my second business. It's been an exciting but cumbersome process.

Thank goodness, most of the hard work is over. Now I'm just waiting for the creative part to take place. But I gotta tell you... although I wanted to be done with it all, it wasn't possible. I really had to wait.

I started thinking I could handle it all. But the truth is that the project involved too many pieces. And it required the input of several different people. So I'm glad I gave in and sought their assistance. Because I feel very satisfied with the results.

This is all part of the "hurry up and wait" process I talked about in an earlier post. It is doing. Preparing. Doing all the right things in a timely manner. Taking care of what needs to happen to the best of your ability.

All of these things are wealth and prosperity in the making. They are action!
When planned and orchestrated well, your efforts will yield an end product you can be proud of.

Now I'm ready to introduce, expose and share my product with the world.
I can't wait!

Be blessed.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

My Affirmation Today

I declare and proclaim today...

"I am growing a beautiful garden of prosperity in my life."

I tend my financial life like a beautiful garden, providing myself with everything I need for my growth, prosperity, and flourishing. by moneyclubs.com/affirmations

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech

Prayer can move mountains!

Please join me in prayer for the families of the Virginia Tech families who lost a loved one in yesterday's massacre.

I pray God may console and strengthen them during this very difficult time.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Hurry Up And Wait

Time and preparation are essential to a successful venture. This is a basic principle of growth and progress. So why do we become anxious and even discouraged when we don't get fast results from a new project or business?

I'm writing this post before I dash out to my church service. I don't want it to escape me.
I was pleasantly surprised this week with the realization that a new project I'm working and preparing for has just come together.

The strategy and understanding of all its pieces have finally come together. I can actually visualize it and make sense of it. This after many weeks of learning, reading, studying and not to mention, frustration because I couldn't make it happen faster.

To all of you who suffer, like me, from this "very human" condition called impatience... learn to apply the "hurry up and wait" rule.

You'll see that it is the soundest way to attract wealth and prosperity :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Yes! to Prosperity

I loved today's Money Attraction Affirmation by moneyclubs.com and thought I share it with you.

"I say Yes! to prosperity."
I say Yes!
to possibility.
to harmony.
to freedom.
to peace.
I say Yes! to prosperity.
Let's shout a loud corporate Yes! to prosperity.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Life’s Like a Spinning Class (part two)

I never thought a Spinning class could teach me so much.

Here I was, finally on the bike and on my way to…
A total meltdown??

What drama! -- starring yours truly.

I was having a terrible mental conversation. And all because:

- I was afraid of feeling vulnerable;
- Afraid of failure;
- Afraid of not having the stamina to go the whole hour;
- Afraid of feeling ridiculous;
- Afraid I would have to quit;
- Afraid of injury;
- Afraid discouragement would keep me from going back… afraid, afraid, afraid!!

Fear -- It is the root of all evil!

We see the same thing happening in our business, career, with relationships, personal and family matters.

Fear is almost always the reason we get stuck. Why we limit ourselves.

And it is why we don’t attract wealth and prosperity!
Why we don't soar!

We fear the unknown.
But the mystery of the road ahead can only be revealed as we travel it.

We overcome challenges when we face them.
Success happens when we do -- and persevere.
Even while experiencing the fear.

Quitting, is never an option!

I was bruised and soar after the class. I limped, literally, for four days afterwards. But guess what? -- I bragged to my friends about it for days!
And, I took away a very valuable lesson:

- I can do anything I put my “right mind” to;
- I can prepare myself better by having the right gear, posture and attitude;
- Planning is not necessary sometimes (this one was mammoth!);
- It is okay to feel vulnerable;
- Ask for help even when feeling vulnerable;
- Never listen to the skeptics;
- I will experience a breakthrough if I stick to it long enough;
- Keeping my mental conversations in check is crucial to my success;
- Let myself go so I can enjoy the moment.

The journey is always better if we enjoy what we're doing.
When we are bold about our decisions. When we try new things.
And wealth and prosperity will come naturally as part of the process.

Life can definitely be like a spinning class… or not!

Who would know more about it than Lance Armstrong who said... “Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.”

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Power of Gratitude

In our journey to attract wealth and prosperity, let's be grateful for what we have. What we have accomplished. For the small successes. For our capacity to excel -- to create. And the empowerment that comes from being!
Gratitude is among one of the most effective strategies useful to change our thinking, feeling and being.
But, it is a sacrifice.
It entails stepping out of our egocentric selves long enough to look beyond our lack, want, need, pain, past, etc. -- so we can focus on ALL the good that abound us.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Life’s Like a Spinning Class (part one)

I finally took a spinning class! I’ve wanted to take one for a very long time.

I loved the idea of the intense workout -- the big time perspiration, toning and building muscle on my legs, and of course, resistance.

I looked into the spinning class studio week after week but wouldn't go in. I was too afraid. I didn’t think I’d have the stamina or strength for it. I was simply too intimidated by this thing.

Maybe if I came up with a plan. But nothing came to mind. I mean really, what plan could get me over the fear!

Until a week ago. I left home for the gym thinking I would “just do it.”

There was a line of people ready to go in. Classes fill up quickly.
I had butterflies in my stomach.

I approached two women in line and pretended to be curious.
I asked them a few questions about the class. When I observed their ease in talking with me, I shared with them how intimidated I felt.

Well, you know how it is when you show vulnerability to people. The reactions are random. Each woman had a different opinion. One was optimistic and encouraging. The other was cautious and warned it would be terribly challenging.

I decided to listen to the “good angel”. I wasn’t going to let a spinning class terrify me anymore!

I adjusted the bike, got on it and began to warm up. The instructor gave me some pointers before starting the class.

I’m not going to lie… the first fifteen minutes were extremely difficult. My legs were shaking. My knees hurt. I couldn’t pedal standing very long. Never mind trying to increase the tension or pedal to the music rhythm.

The instructor came over and spoke in my ear. She told me to relax -- to let the bike do the work for me. Whatever that meant, I didn’t understand how to do it.

A battle ensued in my mind.
Do I quit? How much longer should I go? Will I be able to come back to the class if I quit? Will it always be this painful? I don’t want these people to think I’m a wimp! Man, I wasn’t going to make it!

I kept looking at the clock.
Maybe twenty minutes was a decent amount of time for a beginner.
I would push another five minutes.

Fifteen minutes went by.
I rose to first position and all of a sudden… the pain on my knees was gone! The discomfort on my back disappeared. And it felt good! Yeah!

My mental conversation changed to: I’m doing it! I can really do this! Man, there’s no stopping me now. What a thrill! What a great feeling! Woohoo!!

I spinned the whole hour.
A couple of the people in the class and the instructor commented how great I’d done.
This was a major accomplishment! I felt really proud of myself.

The fear was gone!

Well, I’m not going to tell you how sore my legs were for four days after the class.
I am however going to share with you on my next post how this experience taught me a great big lesson about life’s challenges, fears of the unknown and self-imposed limitations in our journey to attract wealth and success.

How are you spinning in your journey to wealth and success?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Nature's Gift

I went for a short walk today. I was having such a hard time concentrating I couldn’t get anything done.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that it’s a beautiful spring day! The sky is so clear it looks like crystal. The sun is shining bright. Oh, and the breeze made it so hard to get back inside.

I could actually smell the flowers. It is true! If our senses and consciousness are in tune, we can enjoy all nature has to offer.

What an awesome feeling… to absorb natures beauty. To let it uplift and reenergize us. Hey, this fifteen minute walk was better than a whole day at a spa!

Coming back feeling re-energized, I realized what a difference a short break with nature can make. It is one of life’s best gifts!

In our journey of attracting wealth, let us remember to take advantage and enjoy our natural resources. It will give us a “fresh” perspective.

Have you stopped to notice nature’s beauty today?

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Recognizing The Opportunity

I’ve been struggling with this topic for the past couple of weeks. Truth is, it's a heavy one. And I couldn’t organize my thoughts fast enough.

Until a couple of weeks ago and a conversation with my niece.

Now, the conversation could’ve been an ordinary one. But, uh-uh, nothing is ever "ordinary".

I share this conversation with you because it illustrates well a hindrance to the journey to success and wealth… It is the inability to recognize the opportunity we pray for.

A couple of months ago I took my niece to see my doctor. He specializes in hormonal imbalance medicine and Compounding Pharmacy.

She’d been complaining of symptoms I recognized. It turns out that like me, she suffers from a hormonal imbalance condition. The difference between her and me is that she is 27… I was diagnosed at 39!

Having suffered some violent symptoms for the past couple of years, she was relieved to find out her condition could be treated with natural hormones.

Great! -- you think. Well, last I heard about her enthusiasm and coming back to see the doctor was in December.

Why hasn’t she come to get her medication I thought… what could be more important than feeling emotionally and physically better?

Well, I asked her. And I was blown away by what she told me... she felt conflicted about taking medicine for the rest of her life. And she could not understand why God couldn’t just heal her.

You might think there must be something else wrong. I don’t know -- maybe. But this behavior is as common as the inability to make decisions. Feeling insecure, fearful or simply not being aware of your reality.

Although not the same, these character and emotional issues are tightly connected with a person's perceptions. It is true that our perceptions are affected by gender, childhood experiences, culture, religion, social status, etc. A wrong perception has the potential to paralyze personal progress and gifting. It simply will not allow you to live the full life you’ve been gifted with!

Our perception is the lense by which we see the world, ourselves and others. Our outlook on life. So the main reason we miss out on great opportunities is because our idea of how it should be packaged is skewed.

We’ve all heard the saying… “our perception is our reality”. Hence, the wrong perception can be detrimental to our success. This is a huge idea to grapple with! I’m just scratching the surface of a very intense topic. So I hope you’re still with me.

Knowing a Bible story would hit home, I reminded my niece of the story of Elijah. The Old Testament prophet.

Elijah was a man of force and confrontation used to dramatic results. He was also a mighty man of faith and power who had wrong perceptions.

One day while depressed (he felt panicked because there was a bounty on his head), Elijah complained to God about being the only surviving prophet and the horrible state of God’s people. He was in a crossroad in his life and assumed God was not aware of the situation.

Little did he know… God was on top of things! He cared for Elijah in his time of need and restored his confidence. He also taught him a great lesson. For God would not be confined to Elijah’s “box”.

In the story we see God revealing himself to the prophet in an unfamiliar way. Not in the obvious windstorm, earthquake or fire. No… God manifests himself in an unexpected sound of a gentle whisper. Fortunate for Elijah, he recognized God’s voice.

I went on to explain how easy it is for us to miss the blessing we’ve been praying for. We miss it because our expectation of the package does not allow us to discern the reality.

She has not started treatment. I pray the opportunity does not pass her by.

Indeed, we all suffer from wrong perceptions. Beware not to miss a good opportunity because you don’t recognize the package. Remember that we cannot control or dictate how an opportunity will present itself. We just have to be open and discerning for its arrival!

Let us be mindful in our journey to attract wealth and success, of the perceptions that limit our growth and potential. And of the believes, expectations and ideals that block the opportunities/blessings we’ve been praying for.

Have you checked your lense lately? Could the wrong perception be blocking your opportunity?

Open yourself to receiving your opportunity. Let yourself be blessed!
Note: What do you see in the picture above?

Monday, February 5, 2007

Goal Set Your Way To Wealth And Success

What are you wishing for this year? Is it a beautiful home…more time with your family…financial freedom…peace and good health to enjoy it all?

We all want a better life. But do we take the necessary steps to make our dreams come true? I would venture to say no.

Dreaming of a better life is a good thing. But unfortunately for most people -- that is where it ends.

I am sure you want to stand out in the crowd, and that is really not that difficult to do. All you need is: vision, focus, a plan and the courage to execute it. If you’ve taken “the first steps” then you’re ready to go to the next level in your journey to success -- ready to welcome the opportunities that abound you. So let’s get ready.

I’d like to talk about the importance of setting goals. Goals help us achieve success as we progress in any given area of our life. If used well, they can serve as a road map in our journey.
So it is not surprising that much of the talk on the importance of setting goals is from a practical and technical standpoint. Although important, I’d like to discuss it from a deeper perspective -- one that requires the use of our emotions and intelligence. Allow me to illustrate by sharing my story.

Several weeks ago I felt very strong in my Spirit to set goals for this year. Now, I’m not talking about the usual New Year’s resolutions of losing weight, etc. No…my goals for this year were to be in the form of a document I could use as a tool. And to my surprise, I had to make this document public. What?!! I had never done anything like that. Making it public meant risking being perceived as crazy and unrealistic! So why would I do such a thing? I don’t know, except my Spirit was leading…dictating to do it with full abandonment. I wouldn't discover where all of this would lead until the completion of the process.

Once in front of the computer, the finger to the keyboard connection was electric. I felt free and bold. I was able to tap into the desires of my heart. I thought carefully about what each goal represented to make sure they were not an outlandish list of capricious wants -- they were actually the headline of each of the stories in my life. They represented the road map that will guide me to success!

My present level of awareness (I made a conscious decision last year to receive more) prompted me to take this action -- to draft the plan because as I lay the foundation, I am preparing the way and building capacity to receive that which I expect.

It is important to understand that to attract wealth and success we have to do more than just think about it. That is only part of the process. Undoubtedly it requires work: Focused effort, engaging your senses, intelligence and consciousness of the processes. Once the foundation is in place, you can expect to receive. I assure you the blessings will be far greater than anything you’d expect.

To get started in your goal setting process don’t worry about perfection. The technicality of the process is not important. And I can’t stress enough how important it is for you to believe in yourself. Believe that you are created for greatness because that’s 99% of the work. Feeling self assured will enable you to receive all that you are meant to receive.

This was my goal-setting process:
1. I searched my heart for what I care about the most and listed them
2. I turned the list into goals, and reflected carefully about the actions each one of them needed in order for it to be set into motion
3. Lastly, I listed three simple and attainable actions for each goal.

This is now a powerful tool I can use to focus my energy and efforts. It is my road map to destination success! Having finished the process, I was ready to release my document.

Okay, so you’re probably wondering if I really made it public. And the answer is yes. I emailed it to my sisters and a few close friends. As I attached the document to the email it suddenly hit me -- a public declaration of my goals was a decree unto the Spirit world that would undoubtedly carry forth great consequences! Wow -- It all came together. Everything made perfect sense.

The ripple effect of this action has been phenomenal! Things are unraveling around me. I’m experiencing amazing revelation and attracting resources I didn't know exist.

My level of awareness is heightened to unexpected levels. My attitude about the “everyday grind” has changed; I’m full of energy, new hope and enthusiasm. I have a new outlook on life and better yet, I have something major to look forward to daily. I have experienced a major breakthrough!

Setting goals by definition is a good exercise. It is also good for:
1. Setting into motion big ideas
2. Daring to be bold
3. Pushing the stagnated air that doesn’t allow fresh and creative flow
4. Holding yourself accountable and putting your faith to work
5. And most importantly, to take charge of what happens in your life rather than letting life happen to you!

Don’t wait another minute. You can set goals and accompany them with actions any time of the year. Our life’s decisions put into motion what we want to achieve and receive. That in itself is an action. Deciding to do nothing will also have consequences.

Remember that life doesn’t wait for us to happen. Take courage! Forget about past failures and the nay sayers. Focus on the gift that is your life.

I was reminded of a powerful Bible verse while writing this article. It affirmed the importance of having a clear vision, dreams and to know where I’m headed: “My people perish for lack of vision.” - Hosea 4:6 KJV

Dream big and start drafting your road map to success today. Declare your goals and prepare the way for the opportunity. Once you do, it will come!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Know How To Attract Your Financial Freedom: Taking The First Steps

How To Attract Your Financial Success!

Taking The First Steps

In my personal journey, I have found that the beginning of something great, going after my heart's desire or simply becoming "unstuck", cannot happen until I decide to do it. The decision to do and to be, may just be the most difficult part of the process. But unless we decide, we will never reach the heights and the depth of all we were created to be!

Life is meant to be enjoyed. Don't postpone your destiny--decide today to start the greatest journey of your life and that you will no longer be afraid to receive it because, you are deserving of greatness, love, beauty and happiness.

I have a homework assignment for you. Take a pen and paper and make a list of the following:

1. List the 3 greatest desires of your heart
2. List 3 reasons why you think you can't have them
3. List where you first heard (this can be yourself or someone else) you couldn't have them
4. List where in the world it says you are not capable and or not worthy of those things you desire
5. Do a summary of your findings but especially of #4

I want you to understand something. It is important to purge. To look into those deep, dark places where we first "became stuck". Everything has a beginning-- even the negative things. All that we are can be traced to our childhood and often we need help to guide us out of those places. But for now, let's stay focused on getting out of that place called "negativity", "pessimism", and "low self-esteem". Let's start to envision and think about our new place called, "prosperity", "success", "happiness", "overflow". Try to cleanse yourself of negative thoughts. Replace them with positive ones like the fact that there is only one of you created in the world and only YOU have the power to BE and give to the world what you were destined to. Believe in yourself , trust and make a decision today to attract those things that make you smile. The things that were placed in your heart since the beginning of time and for whatever reason they have been on hold... until now!

I have used a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson as inspiration while journaling. Even long before I knew it was his. He obviously was aware of and was guided by an inner-strength common among historic leaders. This quote is just one among his many other famous ones: "Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen."

Make your decision today!

We will later explore the importance of goal setting.

Favorite Quotes

  • "...the man whose sole object is to acquire wealth must be prepared to make great personal sacrfices before he can accomplish his object..." - from "As A Man Thinketh" by James Allen
  • "Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows." - Proverbs 13:11 NLT
  • "The best thinking has been done in solitude. The worst has been done in turmoil." Thomas A. Edison
  • "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." - Thomas A. Edison
  • "Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing." - Thomas A. Edison
  • "I shall seize Fate by the throat; it shall certainly not bend and crush me completely." - Ludwig van Beethoven, July 1801
  • "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." - The USA Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776
  • "Little minds have little worries, big minds have no time for worries." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • "...the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world." - 1 John 4:4 NLT
  • "Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit." - Proverbs 18:21 NKJV
  • "What you are comes to you." - Ralph Waldo Emerson